Louis Vuitton
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But the world's most concern is that Chinese exactly what we want. According to the report, LouisVuitton, Chanel bag and Gucci is the most attractive replica handbag chanelin China.
Bain&Company survey about 1,500 mainland China consumer, including income between 5,000 to 15000 yuan between, living in Beijing, Shanghai and other leading cities family, every year in luxuries consumption in 21,000 dollars.
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During the investigation, 15 high-end brand said they over the past 12 months, in China opened a new 80 stores.
Chinese luxury consumer's main body between the ages of 25 and 44 years old, But in Japan and Europe, the age is profligately at least 40 years old.
The number of wealthy customers in China's rapid growth, have a point of view, said: by 2015, China will have the fourth largcst rich consumer groups. Global famous marketing research organization the Ipsos (Ipsos) and "rob report have launched for rich consumption group survey, and purchasing behavior to them the reason behind to analyze, to help business in competition to obtain advantageous position.
Respondents in male majority (of 78%), and more focused on 30-50 years of age (89%), they are rich consumer's absolute playmaker. Survey found that rich consumer groups in the purchase of different types of luxury, exhibit different characteristics.replica handbag coach Meanwhile, the survey also related to their future buying trends and cost considerations.
Luxury consumption general appearance and the differences between men and women
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From all kinds of luxury with intensity, China's affluent consumer, has the most luxury car is category (43%), the second is wrist watch (38%), hand bag (26%), clothing (21%) and perfume (19%). According to the sexual distinction of words, the man has with the highest level of luxury car (51 per cent) and is wrist watch (38%), while the woman is perfume (44 percent) and hand bag (43%). For many luxury enterprise is concerned, the first task is to occupy consumers mind share - that is, when it comes to luxury, let consumer can associate to its brand.
From this perspective, Louis vuitton is the most successful enterprises, 27% of the respondents mentioned Louis vuitton, followed by 100 da feili ((17%), chanel bag (accounted for 16% of) and guest benefit (accounted for 16% of). If by sexual distinction, in female respondents ranked the first two, awareness of brand is sweet nai (51 per cent) and replica handbag cheap (38%), this is probably and women have perfume and pleather degree (43%) respectively is 44% and highest relevant. In addition, gucci visibility (29%) in women also is quite high. While men respondents for automobile attention and have the highest degree, so a mention luxury brands, the male respondents easier to associate brand of car, which BMW (19%), bentley (18%) and Mercedes (16%) are well-knownness higher luxury brands. And watch of wrist of 100 da feili, but also they are more familiar luxury brands.