
Rent A Replica Handbag Prada Attend The Annual Meeting

Immediately the company want to open annual meeting, but in a financial company work dong miss transgression of up to worry, their own home bag is already "tide outcast", couplers isn't very new, a little took for fun. But if you want to buy a brand-name bag, capital has not come and turnover.
Recently, she accidentally discovered in the office building is incredibly house rent bag company, the shelves of famous brand bag see her dazzling, in a TiaoTiaoJianJian later, she took a paragraph PRADA handbags, daily rent as long as 99 yuan (must be 3 days on rent).replica handbag chanel,Ms dong tells a reporter, her usual because working relationship, often attend some party, former colleagues to Hong Kong or abroad, can let others be purchasing some famous brand bag, but frequently 67000 yuan price, and let her feel not cost-effective. "I am new from Shanghai, although bought house, have oneself of house, but buying a lot of bag, the home also was not put, if you want to sell at a discount, processing rise also not convenient. Rent a packet to attend the party, foreign quite popular, Shanghai seems not seen."
Reporter help dong young lady calculate bill, rent A PRADA, 3 days of rent nearly 300 yuan and paste them some money can buy A good A cargo. But ms dong, said 3400 yuan bag quality is bad, and attend formal occasions, carry a false bag, everybody is to understand the of, many have no face ah.
Another in HSBC building work miss li is also traveled to rent bag. Miss li revealed that, although it is work in a bank, but she just work for two years, career just start,replica handbag coach do not earn enough to let her frequently change brand-name packet to the party. Two days ago, miss li attended an important meeting, she took a bag of famous brand, spend more than 300 yuan bought a pair of earrings, scenery, total cost of appointments just 700 yuan.

Miss li,replica handbag prada  said a recent company want to open, and came to the end of annual meeting, conferences, rent a packet quite many cost-effective. "You see, these brand bag, are generally attend formal occasions when battle, at ordinary times the utilization rate is very high, buy it won't too extravagant. Rent bag of words, return often can change often new."
Annual peak arrival rent package quantity soared 40%
Reporter yesterday linked to rent bag company related principal wang, he introduces said, because recent corporate annual meeting, party focused particularly,replica handbag cheap   their recent rent package quantity more than 40 per cent last month period, the general packet daily rent is its original price of 0.8 ~ around 1.2%. Jewelry of words, the market price 1000 yuan of above to rent. In general, only sell shoes, sunglasses rent.
Mr Wang remind rent bag white-collar, when used to be very careful, because want to collect deposit, so once dirty need special cleaning, or will be lost, deserve to the repair will be deducted from the deposit

