
The Quality replica bags

Karl Lagerfield made his name with Chanel?  quality   replica bags    Not so. Way before he joined Chanel as creative director, the young Karl Lagerfield was blazing a trail in Italy with Fendi, having joined the company in 1965. He was instrumental in helping Fendi change direction and put them firmly on the path they follow today as leaders in the luxury goods market. At a similar time Fendi developed their iconic interlocking double F logo, which was to become synonymous with supra skytops  and class.

When you think of Fendi, the first thing that comes to mind is their famous ‘Baguette’ bag, created in 1997 and revered by just about everyone in fashionable society. Arguably the first designer ‘IT’ bag, the ‘Baguette’ immediately became a classic and was a constant in magazines and on affluent arms everywhere. Fendi capitalised on their success and  jordan retros 1  followed the ‘Baguette’ with the Fendi ‘Spy’ and then the ‘B Fendi Bag’, which all met with similar adoration.
Although Fendi eyewear has not enjoyed the same level of enormous success as their bags, this has not stopped people embracing them. Many celebrities are often seen sporting Fendi sunglasses – the most popular in recent seasons has been the Fendi B Buckle Aviator Sunglasses, a classic aviator style with a double bridge over the nose and a belt buckle detail on the arm. Eva Longoria, Mischa Barton and Lindsey Lohan have all been photographed wearing them and you can get your hands on them at a reduced price here on Shade Station.
 Fendi glasses are designed to b
hermes handbags birkin   exclusive, with most prices often in the hundreds, their shades ooze glamour and luxury. The Fendi logo is incorporated into each design, whether discreet or showy and this is a symbol of their authenticity. Most styles are oversized and many feature rhinestone detailing and unique arms. Although at the high end of the consumer market, Fendi sunglasses are a style statement and are sure to mark the wearer out as a woman (or man) with extremely good taste.
Click here to visit our Fendi Sunglasses section

